Raising Artists
When creativity runs in your family, what do you rebel against?
I have been a mother since I was 20 years old. I have 3 amazing children of my own and now 3 wonderful stepchildren.
Yes, you added correctly. I have six children!
Each one of my kiddos is unique and carries different interests, perceptions and dreams.
The one very distinct pattern amongst them is their creative abilities!
My oldest daughter has won multiple art contests and I posted an image of my son's work above. Yes, I am proud and bragging a little bit! I am absolutely astounded by them!
In getting to know my stepchildren, I have discovered artistic abilities as well! The best thing about being an artist alongside motherhood is being able to sit down and create with them! I leave the athletic activities to their father! That's one of his ways of playing with them! For me, sitting down to paint with them is both inspiring and informative!
I find that, in getting to know their artistic sides, I get to know more about how their minds work.
Coming into a child's life at 2 to 7 years old means that, as a stepmother, I have some catching up to do!
Art is part of my strategy!
I use creation to grow with them in a similar manner to how I use it when I teach. It is remarkable to see how each of them paints and creates differently! My stepdaughter, for example, will use almost all of the space on her canvas. She seems to want to fill in and discover all of the corners of her world. My oldest stepson goes in with a distinct plan. My youngest stepson uses color and utilizes the beauty in void space!
I believe that those individual styles give me insight into their personalities.
If you also have stepchildren that you are getting to know, I suggest crafts or painting. Sit down with paper, scissors, glue, clay, paints etc. Then open your mind and watch. Pay attention to what they do with the materials you've provided.
This will:
1) Start building your relationship
2) Help you begin to understand them
3) Give them, plain and simple, something to keep them busy!
Even if you yourself are not looking to be the next Picasso or Georgia O'Keefe, you will still be able to create something! My suggestions are:
Freehand Painting on Canvas Boards
There are 3 suggestions! I really hope you enjoyed this post and if you'd like more suggestions, please get in touch with me!
If you would like some direction on any of the activities, I may provide that as well!
"Keep your eyes shut and your mind wide open."
-Bridge to Terabithia
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